Be A Success

Motivating stories, ideas and quotes to BE A SUCCESS at whatever you do. Please add your own stories and ideas and e-mail me if you want them published in my upcoming book.

Location: ocean county, NEW JERSEY, United States

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Sales quote 11 Hard work has made it easy. That is my secret. that is why I win. Nadia Comaneci (1960-) Roman Olympian. First gymnast to score a perfect 10. Scored seven 10's at the 1976 olympics.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

JimCarrey i've seen this interview in a few places and maybe you have too but its worth repeating. around 1990 jim was a struggling canadian comic trying to be an actor. he drove to LA and looking down at the city lights he wrote himself a check for $10,000,000. thats right ten million dollars and dated it 5 years ahead for thanksgiving 1995 and wrote in memo line "for acting services rendered". he carried it in his wallet everyday. it was getting pretty tattered but a month before thanksgiving 1995 he found out he was getting paid 10 million dollars for his role in dumb and dumber. now thats keeping your goal in front of you. it also shows that physical acts and affirmations help us achieve our goals.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Success qoute10 "Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get."
- Dale Carnegie

Friday, May 19, 2006

Success Quote 9

"Failure is only an opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
Henry Ford (1863-1947)American industrialist, inventor

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Success Quote 8
"Chase your passion, not your pension."

- Denis Waitley

Monday, May 15, 2006

Financial diversification is preached like the gospel as a sure proof way to reduce risk while maintaining a good rate of return. If you invest in negative correlated products like suntan lotion and snow shovels when one is up the other is down. Own stocks & bonds, U. S. & foreign stocks, index funds, energy, gold and real estate. Yet it seems that only the masses follow this strategy. From observing my clients, the more successful they are, the LESS diversified they are. Their money's ALL in either their business, real estate, or stocks they like. Even the best money managers (Miller, nygren, buffet, lynch), go all in on their picks. Professional poker players are the same way. As mark twain said " put all your eggs in one basket and watch the basket very carefully." Buffet said "diversification makes very little sense for those who know what they are doing." Economist john Maynard Keynes, " as time goes on, I get more convinced that the right method in investment is to put fairly large sums of money into enterprises which one thinks one knows something about." In our social and professional lives the same truth applies. We like to do everything and a little bit of everything every day. Instead decide what your core abilities and strengths are and focus ALL your attention on that and delegate everything else to others you trust. Even if you can’t delegate yet at least each day should be focused on one area; one day for planning and paperwork, one for work, and one for yourself. You’ll start to notice you’re more effective, have more time and feel more relaxed. Go ahead and start living like a champ.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Success quote7 "Opportunity is missed by most people, because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
Thomas Edison (1847-1931)inventor, salesmanfrequently worked more than 40 hours straight

Monday, May 08, 2006

success quote 6 If you throw enough pebbles you will eventually break a window. Syrian proverb

the success matrix
The Matrix, the movie has a lot of underlying philosophy in it. it is something i believed for a long time based on religous beliefs. but even on a psychological level there is much to learn from it. the plot is that the world was taken over by machines and put people into hibernation to feed off their energy. the machines created a computer generated world, the matrix, so the people felt as if they are really living and everyone was plugged into this reality. now what happens in the matrix is real ( people can get killed there and really die) but only because people believe it to be real. people who have been freed or were born from original humans can plug themselves into the matrix to battle the machines at risk to themselves. while in the matrix these real humans are not bound by the laws of nature because they KNOW that these laws dont exist. the plot is for a certain person to believe so intensely that he can destroy the matrix, that he accept the truth that reality isn't real and only then can he win the war. he persists untill he literally sees the world as the computer makeup it really is. when asked why humans are better than perfect machines he answers because we choose. we can decide our fate. and he ultimately sacrifices himself to save the world. the question is then, why are some people successfull and others not? why do some people choose their destiny while others have it chosen for them? why are certain people luckier than others, get the good breaks? the answer i think is because they choose to be successfull and lucky. they know that whatever they believe is their reality. they know the world is just a system designed to keep control on the simple minded. if you think lucky thoughts you will be lucky. i've heard of people who believe they will find a parking spot right in front of the store and get it. if you are looking and expect a deal to come by, not merely wishing, it will come. if you believe the deal will work out, it will. if you truly believe you will be wealthy, then by hook or crook you will be. not always the way you expected it , but you will get there. as long as we take responsibilty for our thoughts and truly believe, the universe is no match for the human mind.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

phil mickelson
known as a lovable loser for going a dozen years and 42 majors without a win,phil mickelson's win last month showed that two years agos win in a major event was no fluke. he easily beat out tiger woods and some of golfs best. can you imagine going that long with no win? would you perservere with nothing to show for it? thats commitment! he earned $1.26 million yesterday. not bad for one event. but in reality it wasnt one event. it was a culmination of all those years of practicing and getting rejections till he finally got the yes he was waiting for. so the next time your in a slump of rejections ( deals, sales, sales calls) just remember you have to get through the no's to get the yes's and then payday will come.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Success quote 5
What we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down. " Mary Pickford (1893-1979) Academy Award Winner

Monday, May 01, 2006

the meaning of success
What is success? What does it mean to you? This is the first question I ask my clients for two reasons. First, success means something else to everybody and its important that we are aiming for the same goal . Second, without a definition of success how can we feel successfull, especially if success to you is a small accomplishment. So what does it mean to you? Is it defined in monetary terms? A quality of life? Leaving a legacy for your family? Society? Reaching a certain goal? Or is it at the end of the day knowing you did everything you had planned on. How do you feel when you have reached success? And more importantly and sometimes not too flaterringly, why is that your definition of success? If your success is monetary, why? What are you doing with it? And when you get to the very last why, that will tell us who we truly are. Don't misunderstand me, there's nothing wrong with enjoying the good life, and feeling good about our accomplishments but to truly feel successfull, to have that need totally filled, we have to succeed at that final "why". That final why may be self serving and selfish but as long as we are honest about the why and understand it , only then can we feel truly successfull.