Be A Success

Motivating stories, ideas and quotes to BE A SUCCESS at whatever you do. Please add your own stories and ideas and e-mail me if you want them published in my upcoming book.

Location: ocean county, NEW JERSEY, United States

Sunday, June 25, 2006

The deer & the forest When a deer is being chased by a hunter it runs for the forest for cover. but it has a problem: it's antelors will get stuck in the branches thereby trapping it. so it first smashes its antelors on the ground and then sails through the forest to safety. we humans trying to get through life are similar to the deer. we also have antelors= our bad characteristics (ie. jealousy, anger, hatred) which gets us caught in everyday events and prevents us from sailing throgh life with ease. but really we are different from the deer because the trees really exist in the forest as opposed to us the events, people and things that cause us our distress, in reality don't really exist. it's our thoughts and actions that bring these things or the perception of these things into our lives. so if we would only think positive thoughts and act properly we would sail through life with much enjoyment.


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